Game Jam?

A game jams task you with building a video game in a short amount of time, providing valuable experience. Jams can be online, in person, formally organized, or self imposed for fun! While typically 24-48 hours long, they can be a week or even a month long.

Here are some of mine


Blaze Dash

Global Game JaM 2019 / GIJAM [Solo]

Designed to be a fast paced, multiplayer competive game, Blaze Dash is my first ever solo jam project (code/art), joined by FailPositive for music. My focus was to create a small game, that I could complete and fully polish within the 48 hour jam period.

My Pocket Hero

Virtual Pet Jam [Art/Design]

A twist on a traditional virtual pet game, a fledgling hero emerges from a crystal. Push your luck in the fields to make your hero happy; Leave too early and your hero will be upset, stay to long and he may not make it alive. Return to town to gamble and feast!


GMTK GameJam 2018 [Art/Design]

Obese from the grand goblin feast, you'll have to roll around at great speeds to destroy the insects stealing your food. Fight your way through a randomly generated dungeon layout every play through to take back what is rightfully yours!

Brew Breaker

#devtober 2018 [Solo]

#devtober tasked developers with creating a game in 31 days, and selling it for a dollar. Brew Breaker is the pre-cursor of Brew Breaker Agnes